
Little Women

Lousia May Alcott

Little Women, eBook by Lousia May Alcott

Little Women

Lousia May Alcott

Since 1868, generations of readers have loved Louisa May Alcott's novel Little Women. The March Sisters, the beautiful Meg, the talented future author Jo, the frail Beth and romantic but somewhat spoiled Amy love and commitment to family have endeared them to millions of fans all over the world.
eBook pdf, epub, mobi
Length913 pages
AuthorLousia May Alcott
PublisherBredefeldt förlag
Since 1868, generations of readers have loved Louisa May Alcott's novel Little Women. The March Sisters, the beautiful Meg, the talented future author Jo, the frail Beth and romantic but somewhat spoiled Amy love and commitment to family have endeared them to millions of fans all over the world.

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